A Sym2CodeĀ add-on to design and implement highly complex robotics systems using the Object Oriented Programming capabilities of MATLABĀ®.
Robots are designed and combined together as objects.
Classical results from direct kinematics, differential kinematics and lagrangian dynamics can be obtained easily as numerical results or symbolic function, providing an elegant and simple method to generate code using Sym2Code.
Each part of the SymRobot can be identified with a Label, to have access to its internal state given by position and orientation.
The SymRobot can be built sequentially using the Tip point which is automatically assigned to the last element added into the sequence.
The Tip can be reset to allow user to insert different object into the same point (i.e. adding more fingers into a hand).
All the calculation involving a SymRobot object can be performed using numerical or symbolic variables.
Automatic generation of the joint variables make use of the Labels to allow easy and practical naming.
classdef RobotModelFinger < SymRobot %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Filename: RobotModelFinger.m % Class: RobotModelFinger % Fcn: % % Description: Finger Model % % Author: Vincenzo Calabro' <vincenzo@cybertronics.cloud> % Copyright: Cybertronics AS 2016-2018. %---------------------------------------------------------------------- properties (Access = private) aLength end methods function oFinger = RobotModelFinger(aL, szLabel) narginchk(2,2); nargoutchk(0,1); assert(~isempty(aL)); assert(~isempty(szLabel)); assert(ischar(szLabel)); if isa(aL,'sym') dPi_2 = sym(pi/2); else dPi_2 = pi/2; end oFinger = oFinger@SymRobot(szLabel); oFinger.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeJointRot(0.0,sprintf('%s_A0',szLabel))); oFinger.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotX(-dPi_2), [0;0;0])); for i=1:numel(aL) oFinger.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeJointRot(0.0,sprintf('%s_A%d',szLabel,i))); oFinger.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(eye(3), [aL(i);0;0])); end oFinger.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotX(dPi_2), [0;0;0])); oFinger.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(eye(3), [0;0;0],sprintf('%s_Tip',szLabel))); oFinger.aLength = aL; end end end
function Example_KinematicsFingerNumeric() clc F = RobotModelFinger([3, 3, 3], 'F0'); q = F.GetJointStruct(); fprintf('The Robotic Finger has the following objects:\n'); disp(F); fprintf('Available Joints for Robotic Finger:\n'); disp(q); q.F0_A0=pi/4; q.F0_A1=pi/4; q.F0_A2=pi/4; q.F0_A3=pi/4; % Update the Kinematic States F.DirectKinematics(q); % Get State of the joint F0_A2 szNode = 'F0_A2'; fprintf('Getting info of the node %s...\n',szNode); fprintf('\nNode %s contains the following childs:\n',szNode); oNode = F.GetNode(szNode); disp(oNode); fprintf('\nNode %s has the following state:\n', szNode); oState = GetState(oNode); disp(oState); fprintf('\nState of %s is composed of:\n', szNode); fprintf('Position:\n'); p = GetPosition(oState); disp(p); fprintf('Attitude (DCM):\n'); R = GetRotation(oState); disp(R); % u for unnamed nodes % j for joints % a for all (u,j) % l for links plot(F, 'ujalt') end
function Example_KinematicsFingerSymbolic() clc syms L1 L2 L3 real L = [L1;L2;L3]; F = RobotModelFinger(L, 'F0'); q = F.GetJointSymVariables(); fprintf('The Robotic Finger has the following objects:\n'); disp(F); fprintf('Available Joints for Robotic Finger:\n'); disp(q); % Update the Kinematic States F.DirectKinematics(F.SetJointInput(q)); % Get State of the End Effector szNode = 'F0_Tip'; fprintf('Getting info of the node %s...\n', szNode) oNode = F.GetNode(szNode); oState = GetState(oNode); fprintf('\nSymbolic Position:\n'); p = GetPosition(oState) fprintf('\nSymbolic Attitude (DCM):\n'); R = GetRotation(oState) end
function Example_DifferentialKinematicsFingerNumeric() clc syms L1 L2 L3 real L = [L1;L2;L3]; F = RobotModelFinger(L, 'F0'); q = F.GetJointSymVariables(); fprintf('The Robotic Finger has the following objects:\n'); disp(F); fprintf('Available Joints for Robotic Finger:\n'); disp(q); % Update the Kinematic States F.DirectKinematics(F.SetJointInput(q)); % Get State of the finger tip oTip0 = F.GetNode('F0_Tip'); Je = oTip0.DifferentialKinematics(F.SetJointInput(q)) end
... oHand = oHand@SymRobot(szLabel); oHand.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotX(-dPi_2), [0;0;0])); oHand.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeJointRot(dZero,sprintf('%s_R0',szLabel))); oHand.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotX(dPi_2), [0;0;0],'BaseHand')); oHand.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(eye(3), L(:,1))); oHand.AddToTip(RobotModelFinger(S(:,1),sprintf('%s_F5',szLabel))); oHand.SetTip('BaseHand'); oHand.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(eye(3), L(:,2))); oHand.AddToTip(RobotModelFinger(S(:,2),sprintf('%s_F4',szLabel))); oHand.SetTip('BaseHand'); ...
function Example_KinematicsHandNumeric() H = RobotModelHand('HL'); q = H.GetJointStruct(); N = 10; fprintf('Hand has %d DoF\n',numel(fieldnames(q))) for t=0:1/N:1-1/N q.HL_R0=-pi/4*t; q.HL_F5_A0=0; q.HL_F5_A1=pi/3*t; q.HL_F5_A2=pi/3*t; q.HL_F5_A3=pi/3*t; q.HL_F4_A0=0; q.HL_F4_A1=pi/4*t; q.HL_F4_A2=pi/4*t; q.HL_F4_A3=pi/4*t; q.HL_F3_A0=0; q.HL_F3_A1=pi/5*t; q.HL_F3_A2=pi/5*t; q.HL_F3_A3=pi/5*t; q.HL_F2_A0=0; q.HL_F2_A1=pi/6*t; q.HL_F2_A2=pi/6*t; q.HL_F2_A3=pi/6*t; q.HL_F1_A0=0; q.HL_F1_A1=pi/3*t; q.HL_F1_A2=pi/3*t; H.DirectKinematics(q); plot(H,'la'); xlim(15*[-0.1,1]) ylim(15*[-1,1]) zlim(15*[-1,1]) view(-130,35) title(sprintf('%d DOF Hand\n',numel(fieldnames(q)))) drawnow end end
function PendulumOnCartDynamicalModel() dPi_2 = sym(pi/2); % Pendulum Length syms dL real oPendulum = SymRobot('PendulumOnCart'); oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotY(dPi_2), [0;0;0])); % Linear Displacement of the CART is a Linear Joint oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeJointLin(0.0, 'X')); % Add a Label for the CART oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotY(-dPi_2), [0;0;0],'CART')); oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotX(dPi_2), [0;0;0])); oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(LibMath.RotZ(-dPi_2), [0;0;0])); % Angular Displacement of the MASS is a Rotational Joint oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeJointRot(0.0, 'PSI')); % Add a Label for the CART oPendulum.AddToTip(SymRobotNodeRotoTranslation(eye(3), [dL;0;0], 'TIP')); % Joint states and derivatives sQ = oPendulum.GetJointSymVariables('q'); sQdot = oPendulum.GetJointSymVariables('q_dot'); sQddot = oPendulum.GetJointSymVariables('q_ddot'); % Masses of the components: M is CART, m is TIP % Gravity and direction syms M m g0 real gn = [0;0;-1]*g0; oCart = oPendulum.GetNode('CART'); oTip = oPendulum.GetNode('TIP'); % Compute the Lagrangian function: T-U as the difference between % Kinetic and Potential Energy Lagrangian = simplify(... oCart.Lagrangian(sQ, sQdot, M, zeros(3), gn) + ... oTip.Lagrangian(sQ, sQdot, m, zeros(3), gn)); % Get the Dynamical Model: % sQddot = B^-1*(-C*sQdot-g); [B, C, g, ~] = SymRobot.LagrangianModel(sQ, sQdot, sQddot, Lagrangian) end
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